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innovation opportunities

New products, services and business models

Developing new business opportunities is a key dimension to promoting growth, be this with your brands, by entering new categories or developing new business models.

In order to develop really relevant innovation proposals we need to know how to appropriately combine different areas of knowledge such as “human” or ethnographic research, design –design thinking- and the business strategy. It is not always easy to achieve this combination or to ensure that your results are tangible and business oriented.

We work alongside your team, combining the human research approach, design and the business strategy to generate tangible innovation solutions that are customer centered and business oriented.

We accompany you in innovation projects such as developing new products and value proposals, new services associated with your offerings (servitization), new customer-centered technologies or digitalization, as well as the implementation of new disruptive strategies and new business models.


Understanding and activating insights

Capturing innovation opportunities

Adapting the business to the digital age

Implementing a commercial excellence model

Inspiring and dynamizing teams

Developing an innovation culture

We know, we connect, we cocreate

and accompany in value creation

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Sant Pau Recinte Modernista Barcelona. Pabellón Sant Manel. Despacho 0.4
C/Sant Antoni María Claret 167
08025 Barcelona

+34 934 155 222

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